If you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy and considering your pregnancy choices, you are facing a lot of questions. Especially if you are considering adoption, there may be even more questions. One of which may be: Is it better to choose a open vs. closed adoption?
“closed” adoptions were normal years ago. This meant birth parents and adoptive families had no contact after the child was born. An agency would do all of the legal paperwork and processes. After the adoption was over, birth parents and adoptive family would share no communication, updates or photos. Although closed adoption is seen less often now, Lifeline recognizes and understands that this type of adoption is still best in certain situations. In these situations, we will help to match you with an adoptive family with the same desire.
How does it all work?
There are options when it comes to an open vs closed adoption. Most adoptions now work so that letters and pictures get sent on a schedule everyone wants. First, the plan is decided before placement and is based on everyone’s best interest. These letters and pictures still very rarely included identifiable information. Additionally, further openness in the adoption can includes meetings between the birth parent(s) and potential adoptive families. These can happen in a private and safe way.
Why open adoption?
Open, or fully disclosed, adoptions allow adoptive parents, and often the adopted child, to interact directly with the birth parents. Open adoption allows family members to interact in ways that feel most comfortable to them. In semi-open adoptions, birth and adoptive families send information through the adoption agency.
Most adoptions are not totally closed or totally open. Often, they are somewhere in between. This seems to be where most people are comfortable. This is because there is access to communication & information but it isn’t intrusive. Our heart at Lifeline is to listen to your desires and help you make the best decision for you and their child.
Understanding all of the details of open and closed adoption is overwhelming, especially when you are already dealing with many other emotions. You may change your mind several times throughout the pregnancy about your decision, and that is ok. Our pregnancy counselors can help by listening to you and sharing truth with you.
We know that this is a decision for you to make.